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Unstoppable us. 1, How humans took over the world / Yuval Noah Harari ; illustrated by Ricard Zaplana Ruiz.
You are never alone / written by Elin Kelsey ; artwork by Soyeon Kim.
Unstoppable us. Vol. 1, How humans took over the world / Yuval Noah Harari.
You are stardust / Elin Kelsey ; artwork by Soyeon Kim.
On our nature walk : our first talk about our impact on the environment / Dr. Jillian Roberts ; foreword by Bob McDonald ; illustrations by Jane Heinrichs.
You are the earth : from dinosaur breath to pizza from dirt / David Suzuki and Kathy Vanderlinden.
Evolution under pressure : how we change nature and how nature changes us / written by Yolanda Ridge ; illustrated by Dane Thibeault.
Get outside! : how humans connect with nature / Leah Payne.
On our nature walk : our first talk about our impact on the environment / Dr. Jillian Roberts.
Climate migrants : on the move in a warming world / by Rebecca E. Hirsch.

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